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Loretta Knaggs

the set

design by Paul Wright, Neil Gray

cast and crew
the residents of The Wings

Joan Bottomley, Joan Arnold, Olive Willis, Bromwyn Jennison, Lotetta Knaggs, Jean Sheridan, Sue Magin, Barbara Topping

Residents of The Wings

Bonita Belgrave - Barbara Topping Maud Melsrose - Sue Magin Lotta Bainbridge - Bromwyn Jennison

Lotta Bainbridge and her son Alan

Bromwyn Jennison, Cameron Smith

Sarita Myrtle, Almina Clare

Maggie Spink, Loretta Knaggs, Joan Arnold

Sylvia Archibald, Zelda Fenwick

Liz Cox, Abbigail Wright

The play is set in the lounge of The Wings, a charity home for retired actresses.

Time: the 1950s

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