Jonathan Lewis

Stage Whispers Christmas 2024

Welcome to our Christmas issue of Stage Whispers.
Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who supported our panto ‘Oh No Aladdin’.
It was wonderful to see our audience numbers increasing and I hope that we will see you at our Spring production which will be held week commencing 7th April.
A great big thank you to everyone who was involved in the production of the panto and in all the work involved behind the scenes, this thank you must extend to Frank and the team from the Galtres Centre who gave invaluable help when needed.
The one day panto workshop that David Goodwin held for us was a great success and hugely beneficial, thank you David for a fun day and, most of all, for your support and advice.
Front of House & Stage / Technical
Susan has been doing a wonderful job running Front of House for Easingwold Players for many years and we are now looking for someone who can shadow Susan over the next couple of productions and learn the ropes should Susan not be available for any reason. Thank you Susan and Walter for all the support that you give to E.P.
We also need more volunteers for back stage duties and on technical support such as lighting and sound. Helpers ideally need to be over 18 years of age.
If you can help in any of these areas, or know someone who would be interested, please get in touch, we are on FB and I will pick up any messages or you can you can reply to this email.
Please note that commitment to any of these roles during a performance week is vitally important.
Spring Production
After the success of our last Spring production, we are again, looking at a number of one act plays so, more news on those to follow after Christmas.
I hope that everyone will continue to support us and we hope to see you all in the New Year.
Wishing all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Easingwold Players